So my first new direction post!!!
I don't think I want a white dress, since you know, I would only be wearing it at the wedding reception, so I see it as pointless to wear a white one, why not wear an amazingly gorgeous outrageous something that you wouldnt wear normally. ahaha I have strange logic I know.
Anywhos I really love the 1950-1960 clothings, but usually more the prim preppy types, Such as this Dress!! I like it very much, and I like red too.
SOO I got the idea of having red and white be the colours, its so plain and classic, which is my total styles keke
I thought a red dress with white accessories. I like this length dress as well, I think it suits me quite well. But I am not so sure about the sleeves and neck.
But I would wear my awesome white shoes that mamma (to my dissatisfaction keke but now i am playing into her words!!) calls my wedding shoes. and then have white flowers and things in my hair and maybe pearls. but I dont like white roses, I liek red ones though, but I dont want red flowers. hehe anywho, I think thats enough for this post :D
Good day to you all!
I went to and searched for 1950's dresses and found this one at this website: